Youth Camp Packing List
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Floss
- Mouthwash
- Face wash
- Moisturizer
- Body wash
- Razor
- Deodorant
- Perfume/cologne
- Shampoo/conditioner
- Hair Spray
- Comb/brush
- Hair gel/mousse
- Personal hygiene Items
- Undergarments
- Socks/hosiery
- Athletic/swimming clothes
- Tennis shoes
- Sandals
- Flip-flops for shower
- Church shoes
- 4 casual outfits (senior camp) 3 casual outfits (junior)
- 4 dress outfits (senior camp) 3 dress outfits (junior)
- After service change of clothes (If necessary)
- Purses for girls
- Ties for boys
- Hair accessories (for girls)
Random Items:
- Sleeping bag or sheets and blankets
- Pillow
- Towels and wash cloths
- Cellphone/IPod/IPad chargers
- Bible
- Notebook
- Band-Aids
- Bug spray
- Sunscreen
- Advil/Tylenol
- Prescription Medications
- Chapstick